Tired of writing bios in third person and pretending it's someone else, my name is Marc Durà and I'm a freelance photographer based in Barcelona.  After a 15 year tenure as a surfing industry executive I decided to chase my dream of documenting stories around the Mediterranean sea with a camera and a notebook on hand. I split my time between lifestyle, sports and other commercial assignments and the personal exploratory projects of mine.

I grew up on the shores of the Mediterranean and I base my life around an obsession: to document and understand the infinite realities of people and other living beings around this very same sea, where history, religion, wars, glamour, storms and plenty of sunshine come together in a very tight way. Following my heart I've travelled to remote locations in search of things that I find hard to describe, I've met wonderful people from different cultures, I've seen sad stuff too and I've grown to love the chance to see reality with my own eyes and to learn by documenting. My job is to take photos and tell stories and that’s what I do best, so hit me up if you think we could work together.

I base my personal work around the Mediterranean sea. How so? My obsession is to witness and document stories happening around the very same sea I grew up next to; from surfing to migrations, climate change, social problems and wildlife, history, science and the great outdoors. This is a road with no destination because it is an endless one:

3 continents, 22 countries, 3 major religions and countless stories.  Join me on a voyage to discover #AllThingsMediterranean.

The amount of time spent outdoors in dry lands has helped me understand how fragile nature can be and how important it is to act locally, specially when it comes to fresh water ecosystems in a region with poor rainfall and a growing threat of desertification. That's the reason why I’m a member of Ríos con Vida, a local NGO fighting to keep our freshwater ecosystems alive since 1979. I also volunteer on the SOS Samaruc project by non-profit Andrena Foundation to help save a tiny, highly endangered, endemic fish species called Samaruc or Valencia Toothcarp (Valencia hispanica) and the fragile fresh water ecosystems it inhabits on the spanish mediterranean coast. 

I might see you around, until then: have fun and take care of the planet.
